
keeper of brother ( part 3 )

Selama beberapa minggu ini, kami team Pearl Magazine Online sibuk diskusi en dig deeper to the word of God soal yang namanya KEKUDUSAN termasuk bahas soal masturbasi. Biasanya kalo ada bahasan-bahasan kayak gini, gue juga diskusi sama suami. 
Menarik banget pas tau banyak hal dari kacamata seorang pria
apalagi ini suami gue jadi kita bisa bebas ngobrol dengan bahasa yang vulgar. 

Ternyata dari obrolan sama suami, cara seorang wanita berpakaian itu bener-bener bisa menjaga atau juga menjatuhkan pria ke arah hawa nafsu. Cewek yang pake bajunya terbuka, expose skin too much or zoom bagian-bagian tubuh tertentu dan juga body shape mereka bisa mendatangkan pencobaan buat pria yang mau menjaga his holiness. 
Cuma dengan ngeliat kayak gitu-gituan aja, pria bisa ereksi ( ereksi = penis mengeras/mengejang ) sori nih gue kudu kasih tau ini, supaya kita yang cewek-cewek nyadar en have mercy to our brothers in Christ. Yang gak tahan terhadap pencobaan bisa lari ke pornografi en juga onani. Bahkan menurut survey, sekelompok ABG yang melakukan seks pranikah or juga pelecehan/tindakan cabul bahkan pemerkosaan, itu karena mereka abis nonton video porno. Sereeeeem kan? ( dan juga sangat memprihatinkan!!)

Girls, we need to crucified our flesh, keinginan kita buat pake baju-baju yang look sexy to draw people attention to our body if we really love our brothers in Christ
Kita gak bisa harapin mereka bertumbuh jadi pria-pria yang takut akan Tuhan, menang dari kedagingan -hawa nafsu dan pornografi if we are not willing to be Keepers of Brothers.

Gue juga sempet bahas ini di sini :  Dress Modesty, please... or Feminim Modesty.
Modesty gak berbicara tentang yang mana boleh yang mana gak boleh
It is the Journey of Finding God heart. It is about being drawn deeper into the heart of God and having our hearts and minds renewed from the inside. 

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, 
in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ( Romans 12: 1-2 /NIV)

Modesty is about loving Him more deeply, and again, seeing why He has very specific thoughts and opinions about how we clothe or dress our physical body.

There is a good article about modesty. I reposted from HERE. 
Please read it with a humble and open heart...

Be blessed girls,

- Lia

If a young lady wishes to marry one day the man she always dreamed of, she might be willing to change the way she dresses in order to keep herself pure for him 
(Proverbs 31:12).

If a young lady has chosen to save herself for one man on the whole earth, 
he must be the sort of man who is honorable, able to be fully trusted, one you could pour your whole heart out to and know your secrets won’t ever leave him. 
This sort of man would have made a covenant with his eyes not to look on a woman to lust after her beauty. 

He would be a man who would be keeping himself pure for the one whom he would some day meet and marry for life. 
He would be looking for a young woman who does not give every man who sees her hope for a relationship with her (Proverbs 11:22; Ecclesiastes 7:25-29; Proverbs 31:30).

You see, the way a girl dresses speaks of what is in her heart. 

If she loves her Savior, Jesus, she will dress to please Him How does she know what clothes Jesus likes? 

By knowing Jesus and in careful study of His words,
we can know what He desires for us. 

The Holy Spirit will make us feel uneasy about wearing clothes that are too revealing.
A young woman who desires to please her Savior will wear clothing that would draw a person’s eyes to her face, where shines the beauty of her heart (Matthew 6:22-23). 
You can tell a lot from looking at a person’s eyes. The face of one who lives in the presence of God shines with the glory of God (Exodus 34:29, Ecclesiastes 8:1; Matthew 17:2). 
A life of sin wears a face of shame and darkness is in the eyes.

Our choice is will we trust the Lord Jesus to choose our husband for us, or will we continue to try our best to allure men by the way we dress, that we are humans, prone to sin, might find the honorable mate?

A man who is looking for a mate who is pure in her heart and serving God with her life would be drawn to one who dresses with modesty in mind. 

Her clothes would not draw attention to her chest or her buttocks or her legs, because the young woman who chooses clothes to please the Lord wants to direct others to Jesus and His love. 
Our faces are to be the focal point in what we wear. 
So, now check out your wardrobe at home. 
Does it reflect that of one who has dedicated herself to a life of purity to Christ?
Adjust some outfits to make them modest. 
Throw away others, which cannot be made better. 
Add those garments, which would help build a more Christ-like testimony to your wardrobe. 

Ask the Lord to guide you and provide clothes that would honor Him.
He will bless your efforts.